
Progress on the Xiamen Section of the Xiamen-Jinmen Bridge by C&D Holsin


Recently, C&D Holsin, a participant in the Xiamen section of the Xiamen-Jinmen Bridge, reached a significant milestone. The 2,497-meter trestle from Xiamen Island's Guanyinshan to the west main tower of Liuwudian Channel Bridge was successfully connected, facilitating extensive construction on Section A1. The main structure also achieved breakthrough progress with the commencement of drilling for the first pile foundation at the west main tower of Liuwudian Channel Bridge.

To ensure construction quality and safety, C&D Holsin’s on-site management strictly controls the entire construction process, rigorously reviews the feasibility and rationality of construction plans, and conducts safety production condition reviews for high-risk sub-projects, construction equipment, and specialized operations, safeguarding the project’s construction.

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