
Sustainability Management

Based on the new stage of development, implementing the new development concept, and integrating into the new development pattern, C&D Group incorporates the concept of sustainable development into its operation, continuously enhances the management level and promotes high-quality development of the enterprise.

Guided by the corporate mission of creating new value to ensure more people enjoy a better life, C&D Group has refined and formed a sustainability model from four key modules: objective, principle, practice, and foundation. Based on the sustainability model, we strive to promote the implementation of sustainability initiatives and work together with all stakeholders towards a more sustainable and promising future.

The Practice of Public Welfare

C&D Group is committed to fulfilling corporate social responsibility while ensuring our own business development. We actively participate in public welfare activities in areas such as Healthcare, Rural Revitalization, Cultural and Sports Development, and Educational Assistance and Support. By practicing the mission of a state-owned enterprise, C&D Group contributes to the strategies of Healthy China and Common Prosperity by leveraging its strength.

Supporting the Healthcare Industry

Explore a Chinese-style modernized healthcare service model to support the reform and development of the medical and health system.

Supporting Rural Revitalization

In response to the national rural revitalization strategy, commit to supporting and promote the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.

Supporting the Development of Culture and Sports

Support the development of cultural, sports, and artistic endeavors to enhance the well-being and happiness of the people.

Providing Charity and Education Assistance

Provide warm-hearted assistance to families in need, sponsor impoverished students, and promote educational equity and social progress.

介休市| 漯河市| 常宁市| 乌鲁木齐县| 甘泉县| 株洲县| 固原市| 乐至县| 武陟县| 平潭县| 洪湖市| 伊金霍洛旗| 永吉县| 新巴尔虎左旗| 左云县| 新建县| 和顺县| 来凤县| 武城县| 吴江市| 微山县| 四子王旗| 三明市| 平原县| 景德镇市| 西乌| 个旧市| 丰台区| 钟祥市| 新巴尔虎左旗| 广饶县| 金山区| 株洲市| 拜泉县| 乌恰县| 花莲市| 壶关县| 孟州市| 乌苏市| 高州市| 东城区|