
Investment Companies

Investment Companies

King Dragon Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

A joint venture between C&D (50% stake) and Taiwan Life Insurance and the first Fujian-based insurance company, it offers comprehensive insurance and services centered on assurance, health, and wealth.

Xiamen Airlines Co., Ltd.

The C&D Group holds a 34% stake in Xiamen Airlines (making it the second largest shareholder). The airline currently operates nearly 400 domestic and international routes and has enjoyed the longest period of profitability of any airline in China’s civil aviation industry.


C&D owns 35% of Xiamen Faradevelopment shares. The latter is the parent holding company of Xiamen Faratronic (600563.SH), China’s largest thin-film capacitor manufacturer which also enjoys international acclaim. 

Xiamen International Trust Co., Ltd.

holding a 10% stake

Xiamen International Bank

holding a 4.3% stake  

Xiamen Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.

holding a 6.95% stake

King Dragon Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

A joint venture between C&D (50% stake) and Taiwan Life Insurance and the first Fujian-based insurance company, it offers comprehensive insurance and services centered on assurance, health, and wealth.

Xiamen Airlines Co., Ltd.

The C&D Group holds a 34% stake in Xiamen Airlines (making it the second largest shareholder). The airline currently operates nearly 400 domestic and international routes and has enjoyed the longest period of profitability of any airline in China’s civil aviation industry.


C&D owns 35% of Xiamen Faradevelopment shares. The latter is the parent holding company of Xiamen Faratronic (600563.SH), China’s largest thin-film capacitor manufacturer which also enjoys international acclaim. 

Xiamen International Trust Co., Ltd.

holding a 10% stake

Xiamen International Bank

holding a 4.3% stake  

Xiamen Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.

holding a 6.95% stake

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